Citilink has a reporting system, as part of the Quality Information System, to facilitate employees to report Quality events and any incidents that occur on the job (hazard, deficiencies, and Quality concerns). The reporting system called the Quality Reporting. Through the Quality Reporting, the report will be validated relation to the Quality aspects and carried out an investigation or assessment of risk levels. Quality Reporting will also determine the action to be taken (corrective action plan) by concerned units for any reported occurrence/hazard. The report will be monitored by concerned units through the system. Quality Data unit then will develop reports containing hazards, deficiencies, incidents and Quality concern that occur within a certain period. It is certainly very useful for company management in making decision concerning the continuous improvement program.

  1. Log in
  2. - Use your email account (e.g.)
        Email Account : Qualitydesk@citilink.co.id
        Username : ari.wibowo
    - Password
    - Input the CAPTCHA

  3. Select the category with the scope of the report
    1. Flight Quality
    2. Please use this module to submit report which may contain any condition, object or activity with the potential of causing injuries to personnel, damage to equipment or structures, loss of material, or reduction of ability to perform a prescribed function in Flight Operation such as Aircraft Document; Airport Management (Airside) (airbridge, FOD, marking, surface, etc.); Air Traffic Service (communication, Navaid, near collision, etc.); Configuration Warnings; Crew Schedule; Diversion (medical, closed airport, other); Doors (operations, condition, etc.); Emergency Declaration; Environment (animal strike, volcanic ash, smoke, laser, etc.); Flight Management (collision, unstable approach, fuel management, crew rest, etc.); Go Around/ Missed Approach/ Overshoot; Human Performance Problem (fatigue, work schedule, etc); Overspeed/exceedance, etc.

    3. Cabin Quality
    4. Please use this module to submit report which may contain any condition, object or activity with the potential of causing injuries to personnel, damage to equipment or structures, loss of material, or reduction of ability to perform a prescribed function in Cabin Operation such as Usage of Illegal Drugs/ Alcohol Abuse Access/Egress Issues; Cabin Equipment/Condition; Cabin Crew Performance; Schedules Exceeding or Close to Duty Time Limitation; Cabin Quality Equipment; Fire/Smoke (Cabin/Galley); Food Quality/Passenger Meal Inadvertent Slide Deployment ,etc.

    5. Cargo Ops
    6. Please use this module to submit report which may contain any condition, object or activity with the potential of causing injuries to personnel, damage to equipment or structures, loss of material, or reduction of ability to perform a prescribed function in Cargo Operation such as Cargo Damage; Missing Cargo; Missing Document; Undelivered Cargo; Miss labelled; Improper packaging; Improper Handling (storing, offload, etc.); Facility (lighting, Quality equipment, storage location, etc.).

    7. Ground Quality
    8. Please use this module to submit report which may contain any condition, object or activity with the potential of causing injuries to personnel, damage to equipment or structures, loss of material, or reduction of ability to perform a prescribed function in Ground Operation such as Usage of illegal drugs/ Alcohol abuse; Access equipment; Mobile phone used in vicinity of fuelling; Passenger boarded (live animal, boarding pass, wrong flight); Passenger injured; Passenger offloaded; Person smoking on ramp; Poor security procedures (Screening); Procedure error; Pushback Deficiency; Spillage (on ramp, in aircraft, make up/ breakdown area) etc.

    9. Maintenance & Airworthiness
    10. Please use this module to submit report which may contain any condition, object or activity with the potential of causing injuries to personnel, damage to equipment or structures, loss of material, or reduction of ability to perform a prescribed function in Maintenance activity such as Aircraft Damage (FOD, hangar/ ramp equipment, towing, etc.); Aircraft Deterioration (burning, corrosion, contamination, crack, etc.) ; Compliance – Documentation (AD/ SB, IPC, MEL, ect.) ; Compliance – Overrun (planned maintenance, life control, etc.) ; Engineer left cabin floor hatch open ; Lack of Ground Engineer ; Parts lost during Flight ; Significant Process Issue; Significant Spares Issue Significant Technical Issue ; Task Error and etc.

    11. Aviation Sacurity
    12. Please use this module to submit report which may contain any condition, object, activity or vulnerable points which having potential threat and/or causing the acts of unlawful interference such as; Hijacking/Unlawful Seizure, Bomb Threat, Sabotage, Unruly/Disruptive/Suspicious behavior, Pilferage, Fraud, Forgery, Suspicious Articles, Misuse of drugs & narcotics or another illegal acts.

  4. Fill out the field on Module E-Report
  5. The reporters are required to fill out the field on modules E-Report as complete as possible in accordance with the scope of the reported events. The reporters should submit as much information as possible and fill in the fields marked with (*).

You can contact us on :

    Email : Qualitydesk@citilink.co.id
    SMS/WA : 0811-1092-767
    Address : Quality, Security and Quality Division
GMF Management Building 3rd Floor
Soekarno - Hatta International Airport
Jakarta - Indonesia

Create and submit a Quality report is one of the responsibility of each employees of Citilink to maintain or improve Quality performance. It is stated in the second paragraph of the Quality Policy.

The report will be handled or managed confidentially (only handled by Quality and concerned units) and the name of the reporter will be not disclosed. Handling report will only be done by authorized Quality personnel.